Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Composition Of A Tooth

Composition Of A Tooth

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What do you know about your teeth?

Your teeth begin to grow while you are still a baby in your mother's womb. Although they are visible only a few years after birth, when they appear or leave the gums, they are there. Tooth or primary teeth grow and fall in the same order and are replaced by permanent teeth or adult teeth. Your permanent teeth will be the teeth you will have for the rest of your life. If you lose a tooth that has grown, you can attach it to the root if you immediately see a dentist. In many cases, a lost permanent tooth means that a false tooth, such as a dental implant, is needed to replace the lost natural tooth.

Your teeth are resistant to wear, grinding and pressure. What makes teeth so hard and durable? It probably has something to do with their composition.

Each tooth is made of enamel, dentin and cement and each tooth has an eraser.

Dental enamel

The part of the teeth that you know best is tooth enamel. It is the hard, transparent outer layer of the tooth. It is this part of the tooth that can destroy the holes and make the tooth vulnerable to decay and disease. Enamel is the heaviest and most mineral substance in the body. Dental enamel is mainly made up of minerals, organic compounds and water. The enamel is the thickest (and the strongest) on the edge of the tooth and is the weakest along the edges of the tooth.

As we age, over the years of use, abuse and wear, enamel is slowly developing into what is called stall.
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What is email composed of? Crystalline calcium phosphate, called hydroxyapatite, is responsible for most minerals found in tooth enamel. These minerals give teeth their strength and fragility. The enamel does not contain collagen, unlike other parts of the tooth. Tuftelins, ameloblastins, ameloblenins and enamelins are proteins that help to develop enamel.


Under the glaze is a yellowish and porous material called dentin. It is this material that gives the teeth their classic yellow or preferably white color. Dentin is composed of inorganic and organic materials as well as water. It is made from mineralized connective tissue and collagen proteins. Dentinogenesis, or the process of dentin formation, involves the excretion of dental pulp by the odontoblasts. Dentin contains a matrix of microscopic tubules that do not cross. The length of the tubules is determined by the radius of a person's tooth. Dentin is the substance between enamel or cement and the pulp chamber.

Although dentin is not as strong as enamel, it gives your teeth more strength, support and protection. Because it is softer than varnish, it deteriorates faster and is subject to serious cavities if not treated properly, but dentin still acts as a protective layer and supports the top of the tooth.


The inner layer of the tooth is called the cementum. This part of the tooth looks like a bone and covers the gums. Like tooth enamel and dentin, cement is composed of inorganic (mainly hydroxyapatite), organic (usually collagen) and water substances. Cement is softer than enamel and dentin and is secreted by the cementoblasts at the root of the tooth. It also has a yellowish color and is thicker at the top of the root of the tooth. This part of the tooth is a medium through which the periodontal ligaments (ligaments of the gums) adhere to the tooth, so that it remains stable.
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Dental pulp

The pulp is in the middle of each tooth. The pulp consists of connective tissue containing nerves and blood vessels. The dental pulp provides the blood of the teeth and the nutrients, as well as macrophages and T lymphocytes fighting infections. It is in the pulp that odontoblasts that make dentin are found, as well as nerve endings, that allow the tooth to react to food and hot or cold drinks.

The teeth are simple but complex, which makes them strong and durable. However, they are vulnerable to injury from attrition, disease and degradation due to poor oral hygiene. Certain dental conditions, such as tooth sensitivity, may indicate that something is wrong and that you should consult your dentist.

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Preventive Dentistry

Preventive Dentistry

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Going to the dentist may not be your favorite place. In fact, you are doing everything to stop yourself from leaving. You think that as long as nothing hurts, is strange or seems strange that your teeth and gums are at their best and you do not need a dentist who stings and stings your mouth.

In order for your smile to be beautiful and good, you follow a strict domestic hygiene routine that you practice several times a day. This includes the use of flossing, brushing teeth and the use of mouthwash. In addition to this routine, you limit your intake of coffee and soft drinks and you drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially after eating.

What you are doing above is an example of preventive dentistry. It is the regular and systematic maintenance of your teeth and your gums to prevent infections, diseases and decay. Oral hygiene is an important part of effective home preventive dental care, but it is not a complete preventive care.
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What makes it complete? Preventive dental care?

Comprehensive preventive dental care includes both a solid routine for oral hygiene at home and regular visits to the dental office. Specifically, the following includes:

Oral hygiene at home

Brush teeth for 2 minutes, twice daily, in soft, circular patterns
Floss at least once a day on both sides of the teeth
The use of fluoride toothpaste
A soft-bristled toothbrush that is replaced every three months
Sufficient brushing of the surface of the tongue
Visit in office
In-depth dental examination
Complete cleaning of the teeth
Any necessary preventive treatment (sealants, fillings, crowns, etc.)
Although you do not mind going to the dentist, this one has equipment, toothpaste and mouthwash that will clean your mouth better than what you have at home. The toothbrushes and the dentist's expertise help clean more surfaces of your teeth and gums.
The professional appearance of a dentist can also signal any oral health problems that you do not see or do not know what to look for.

Prior collection of potential dental problems is an important part of the success of preventive dentistry. When dental problems are treated before they become too serious, we talk about preventive dentistry.

Waiting for a dentist to notice dental problems can make the treatment more difficult and more expensive. Your dentist will know that all dental problems do not start with visible or noticeable symptoms.
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Although restorative dentistry is there to repair and treat oral health problems, it is better and less costly to take proactive preventive measures. Depending on the condition of the teeth, repair and treatment may require several weeks and many visits to the dentist. This can be expensive and can significantly affect your daily routine.

Whether you take good care of your teeth at home, it is important to consult your dentist at least twice a year for a routine examination. When you and your dentist work together to prevent dental problems, you will be happier and healthier in the long run.

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Dental New Technology 2018

Dental New Technology 2018

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Dentistry has come a long way in history and with the hectic lifestyle of many Americans and the fact that many children and adults are afraid of the dentist, dental technology has continued to evolve and improve. The technology in dentistry has made visiting the patient more comfortable and efficient. New dental technologies appear every year to give the dentist a better and more accurate diagnosis of dental problems while providing the patient with a better dental experience.

If you wonder what new dental technology is about to be deployed or approved, you are in luck. Here is a small list of the latest dental technologies:

Digital dentistry and 3D printing

As 3D printers become smaller and more sophisticated, they become more and more part of every dental practice. Current 3D printers can produce crowns of the same day and customized implant abutments. The new 3D printers can provide night guards, bridge models, surgical helplines and brick models.

Improved visualization tools

The problems of the mouth are often difficult to see, even by a dentist. Magnification tools are important for every dentist. Until now, however, there were no multiple expansions. There is now a visualization tool called OmniOptic from Orascoptic, which allows dentists to change the magnification between 2.5 and 5.5 times.

The same company also developed Spark, a wireless flagship that can be worn with glasses or magnifying glass.

Failure of implantation and prosthesis repair

Dental implants, crowns and prostheses can break and recede over time. These usually require the replacement of the device. With the Zest Dental Solutions Locator F-Tx Fixed Fixation System it is possible to repair faulty oral prostheses, saving the patient time and money.

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Improved digital impressions

Good impressions come from good models and good scans, as well as excellent, accurate scans. With the RIO 3 intraoral scanner, dentists can obtain images in color or in black and white, wireless and in the basket configuration. This scanner not only provides detailed photographs with accurate color and shadow measurements, but also improves the dental practice of the patient.

Digital cameras have also been improved and now have preset modes, take clear, detailed, vivid pictures, are user-friendly and resistant to water and chemicals.

Advanced lasers

Lasers have become a precise and safe way to perform tight dental procedures in the mouth. Lasers are used to remove cancer cells from the mouth to perform precise incisions. With the production of the first dual wavelength soft tissue diode laser, lasers will no longer be able to perform dental procedures, including curl elongation, uncut teeth exposure, implant repair and cutting and drainage of dental abscesses.

Bluetooth toothbrushes

As if electronic toothbrushes were not enough, "smart" electronic toothbrushes in Bluetooth. These toothbrushes include a location sensor, a sanding sensor, a pressure sensor, a card of the mouth and personal coaching for better dental care.

Mobile dental photography

Everyone knows that smartphones are more than just a phone. Progress on smartphones has resulted in phones with high quality cameras. Dentists can use their smartphones to take photos and download them to a computer, or even view and analyze the image outside the office.

Improved cavity detection

Dental X-rays are a common way to absorb cavities early. Some patients do not like x-rays because of possible radiation. The new cavity detection technology passes X-rays and offers the same quality and accurate diagnosis. Portable equipment and cameras that use infrared light to help dentists see and diagnose dental problems more easily.
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Improved use of cloud software

Storing important files and valuable, confidential information about the patient on a computer's hard drive is not only obsolete, but also less secure. If anything happens to these backups, the data will be permanently lost. By storing this type of information in the cloud, the dentist has access to documents and files anytime, anywhere. Storing information via the Internet helps reduce frustrations for the dentist and reduces the time spent searching for information.

Automated machine learning software

Previously, it was difficult to make enough appointments in one day without having to double. When a patient has canceled, you must promptly inform another patient of the availability of the cleft. This can be stressful and can prevent you from doing your job. However, the new machine learning can now schedule appointments, detect cancellations, and quickly complete and maintain programs by checking the chair's available time and scheduling pre-screened patients.

Large selection of aligners

Who needs metal fixtures when they are clear, the invisible plastic aligners can do the same thing without the awkward look or scuffed mouth? Increased competition in the alignment device market will only lead to cheaper and more efficient invisible alignment devices.

Sleep problems

With more and more Americans suffering from sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and bruxism, it is becoming increasingly common for dentists to treat sleep problems in their office.

Better quality materials for restorations

The future of the restoration materials will likely contain some kind of biologically active material. At that time, it was discovered that some possible materials for restoration can be converted to a chemical substance called hydroxyapatite, which not only binds to the tooth, but also strengthens it.

Digital scanning devices

A few years ago, digital scanners from CEREC and E4D were all angry. With the success of digital scanners, more and more companies are involved in dental scanning, including many European companies. The competition will become brighter, so expect to see digital scanners with more options soon.
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Increased IT security

With the increase in the number of important data leaks in recent years, it is logical that more and more dentists are investing in more advanced and resilient hackers to protect the confidential medical history of their patients.

Patients may not like to go to the dentist, but if something goes wrong in their mouth and their mouth hurts, they visit the dentist. Advances in dental technology are intended to help dentists better diagnose and treat dental conditions and provide a more enjoyable experience for patients.

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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Daily Exercise

Daily Exercise 

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Although there are still many physically active children, more and more children are surfing the Internet or playing video games before participating in physical activities. As technology progresses, it becomes fun for kids and they become less active. Exercise is important not only for adults, but also for children in many ways. Ensuring that children get enough physical activity during the day is very important for their growth and development. Regular exercise can help prevent chronic diseases and develop a healthy, strong body in several ways:

* Develop muscle strength that helps prevent injuries.

* Improve heart and lung functions that help them function more efficiently. This will benefit daily activities and control of blood pressure.

* This will help keep your bones strong, which will help prevent osteoporosis later.

* Reduce body fat and help maintain a stable and healthy weight.

* Help children spend energy, which helps control their weight.

* This can help reduce the risk of type II diabetes.
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Regular physical exercise is also essential for developing and perfecting fine and gross motor skills, which are important for coordination, confidence, socialization and academic performance. Physical activity benefits not only children's physical health and motor skills; It can also improve your mental health in several ways:

* Your self-esteem seems to increase and you get more confidence in yourself, feel comfortable in your own shoes.

* Helps reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety due to physical activity, alternating brain chemistry with increasing levels of serotonin.

* Increase concentration and alertness by releasing endorphins that act on the brain to improve mental focus and cognitive skills.

* Helps you increase your energy level by stimulating your blood circulation and your blood circulation which brings oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.

* Manage mood swings and enhance the feeling of happiness! It is mental stimulation that gives children the feeling of having accomplished something.

For results, it is suggested that, according to the American Heart Association, children do at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Unlike adults, they do not need to follow a specific exercise program to achieve these results. Running, jumping, climbing, playing on the playground, playing basketball, pedaling with a football, cycling, etc. These are examples of sufficient activities to meet your needs. Going to the pool is another great option that is fun for everyone and can be a great aerobics exercise. They must participate in activities that interest them. Activities in a local YMCA or extracurricular sports activities may be a good option. As a parent or caregiver, you can participate in your physical activity and be a role model. Ask them what they like to do and involve the whole family. You can let them choose the activity. it makes them feel special! Make sure they have access to active toys such as balls, jump ropes, bicycles, etc. Making the activity fun and playable with the family will prevail on the Internet and video games, and the child will get the exercise he needs.
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Teaching children an active and healthy lifestyle in the future will benefit them. It is important to participate and ensure that you have the resources to be physically active. Making the lesson fun and not resembling a lesson is the key for kids. If they do something they like and do not have to do, they probably will not give it up. Regular exercise is very important for children because their growth, development and mental health depend on it. Daily Exercise :

This content is not intended to replace the advice, diagnosis or treatment of a health professional. Always seek advice from your doctor or other authorized health professional if you have questions about a health problem. Never ignore the advice of a doctor or wait longer because of something you read here.

Exercises For Older Adults

Exercises For Older Adults

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Just as you visit the clothing store, and you know that one size does not fit everywhere, in terms of health, the same diet is not suitable for everyone. However, some lifestyle tips can at least help you plan your fitness schedule to help you stay in shape as a professional or amateur. Read on to understand what it takes to reach a satisfactory fitness level in this digital age.

Fitness Trackers

It is customary to now have a fitness bracelet around your arms that systematically measures your blood pressure and / or heart rate while you walk around the park. The choice of these gadgets can however be tedious, because the competition between brands is enormous and it is difficult to understand all the functions that exist. Analyze your needs. If your goal is simply weight loss, all you need is a scale. If you're more professional and want to keep up with your overall health, a "smart watch" may just be your thing.
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Build a routine

No matter how many smartwatches you invest, they can only help you as long as you stick to a routine. Every day is different. One day, you may not want to leave the bed, the other day you will be the first to go to work. Develop a routine that fits your schedule, but you do not press. Sport should not only be healthy, it must also be stress free. Do at least ten minutes each day for your daily exercise and determine the type of exercise in advance. The most important thing is to keep you!

The diet

In addition to physical activity, nutrition plays a crucial role in physical fitness, if not more. Although it is well accepted that there is nothing better for your condition than a nutritious homemade meal, sometimes you have to eat out. The right amount of nutrition and avoidance should be your most important recommendations when eating out. Look for certified restaurants for natural foods, or at least those that offer a detailed menu containing exactly the ingredients listed, and of course, eliminating junk food is self-evident.
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Think long term

After a few months of fitness programs and healthy diets, it's easy to get bogged down. So, choose plans that last longer. Whether you are at the gym or at home, the fitness programs you choose are best for you ten years later. Analyze if yoga is best for you or aerobics and stay with us. Sometimes it's both! Take signals from a fitness expert and a nutritionist if you are unable to adapt. Do not use too many fitness gadgets, the electromagnetic forces they emit can cause permanent damage. The most important thing is to work on your skills in the field of stress management. This is essential for considering a long-term health plan.

With a little determination, willingness and lots of fun, staying in this fast-moving world can be very enjoyable.

Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash

Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash

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The use of mouthwash is part of your daily routine in oral hygiene after deep cleaning and merging your teeth. You think that the mouthwash gives your mouth an extra level of cleansing by penetrating those very small areas between, on and around the teeth and other parts of the mouth that floss and can not reach or clean enough your toothbrush. You can not imagine that no mouthwash is used to supplement your oral hygiene routine.

However, the stimulus of alcohol in the mouthwash is something you could live without. You begin to research and discover that there are countless other artificial ingredients, such as sweeteners. You are not sure if you have to put these ingredients in your mouth. They certainly can not be good for your teeth and gums. You take the health of your teeth and gums seriously. You do not want to inadvertently compromise your efforts to take care of them as best as possible.
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Whether you're looking for a chemical, alcohol-free or artificial mouthwash for a healthy and clean life or if you're allergic to any of the ingredients or if you do not like the jab or after-taste of a rinser traditional mouth, there are all natural mouthwash alternatives to choose from. Many of them can even be prepared at home using inexpensive and readily available ingredients.
Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash.

Below are some common alternatives to natural mouthwashes that you might want to try or consider:

Pull the oil
Activated carbon
Cooking salt
Sea salt
Essential oils, including tea tree, peppermint, spearmint and cinnamon
Coconut oil
Activated carbon
Cider vinegar
Hydrogen peroxide
There are many easy recipes you can find online on homemade rinses, many of which combine two or three of the above ingredients. The simplest and most favorite make-your-own mouthwash recipe combines baking soda, sea salt and water. For a better taste solution, peppermint essential oil or spearmint may be added.
People have started using a form of mouthwash since about 2700 BC. These old mouthwash treatments treated gum disease, white teeth, mouth infections and refreshing breathing. The old mouthwash was simple and consisted of only natural ingredients. Nowadays, there are more than 100 different types of mouthwashes and brands to choose from. The vast majority of this mouthwash contains artificial ingredients and contains alcohol and extra sugar.
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With today's mouthwash, you can clean properly, but you can also damage and irritate your mouth. If you take care of your teeth and gums seriously by daily monitoring your proper oral hygiene at home, as well as regular visits to your dentist, you have good reason not to use traditional mouthwash.

Whether you are still using a traditional mouthwash or producing your own natural mouthwash, its use can greatly complement and enhance the cleansing power of flossing and brushing. If you do not know which mouthwash is best for you, ask your dentist for advice.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Essential Oils For Colds

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Essential Oils For Colds

In winter, it is common to develop bronchial infections, sinus infections, throat infections and viral, pulmonary and bacterial infections if your immunity is low. These can make you feel really bad and interrupt your life for a longer time if it is not corrected. However, it seems almost impossible to keep them at bay if you are surrounded by sneezing and coughing around you. Fortunately, you can take some steps to combat some of the symptoms and help you recover faster if you get a virus or flu.

Eucalyptus oil is one of the most useful oils to combat these infections. It is ideal for strengthening your immune system and can help to relieve the airways. This oil is also ideal for sore throat, cough, headaches and seasonal allergies. Eucalyptus oil stimulates the immune system and provides protection against oxidation. Always place a few drops in a burner because too much oil can undo some of its positive properties.

Peppermint oil is another winter oil that is ideal for muscle aches and pains related to these conditions above. It can also help alleviate the symptoms of seasonal allergies, increase the energy level if you feel a bit empty due to an infection and help relieve digestive disorders. Red oil will also help to strengthen your immune system, fight viruses and remind you that tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic. Essential Oils For Colds.

By combining these oils in the following recipe, it can help combat all of the above problems, bronchial infection, sinus infection, throat infection and viral, pulmonary and bacterial infections that help you recover quickly.

All you have to do is pour 8 drops of each of these oils into a spray bottle with water and then inhale the vapor produced by the evaporator. These oils, as mentioned above, are eucalyptus, peppermint, red pine needle oil and tea tree oil. Do it a few times, then let the rest of the oils fill the room.
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The next time you feel uncomfortable and one of these diseases seduces you, it can help you feel better quickly. This simple remedy can help relieve the symptoms and terrible feelings associated with the disease. It is important that if this does not help, a healthcare practitioner is consulted for a correct diagnosis of your condition.
Essential Oils For Colds.

Jenetta Haim is head of Stressfree Management (R) at Greystanes in Sydney, Australia. Jenetta specializes in supporting your health and lifestyle in all areas by developing programs on a business or personal level to meet your needs. Contact Jenetta now to help you meet your personal or business needs.

Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Hair

Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Hair

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Aloe Vera is a perennial plant grown mainly around the world for its medicinal and agricultural benefits. Aloe gel is extracted from the fleshy leaves of plants. This plant has been widely studied for its therapeutic applications, some of which are described below.

Handy in:

Digestion | Increases the immune system Cancer Skin | Hair | Arthritis | Bones and Muscles Heals Wounds Health for Women Nausea Diabetes II Anti-Aging Acid Reflux

How it helps:

Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties:

The aloe gel contains many phytochemicals with probable antioxidant properties, such as anthraquinones C-glycosides, other anthraquinones such as emodin, lectins, acetylated mannans, anthrobrons, etc. In addition, the gel also has antibacterial properties.
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Aloe vera has been used since ancient times for topical application and treatment of burns, cuts, bites, rashes and other skin infections. Vitamin E present in the plant helps reduce the harmful effects of UV rays such as sunburn, pimples and blisters. In many cases, it has been noted that applying the gel itself to third-degree burns accelerates wound healing and restores skin more quickly. The gel also helps eliminate brown spots and streaks.

Bones, joints and muscles:

The anti-inflammatory property of Aloe vera helps reduce many inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and even reduce joint and muscle pain. Local application of aloe gel reduces swelling and redness around the affected area and relieves pain.


Some researchers have also stated that Aloe vera contains many compounds that prevent the growth of cancer cells and prevent the formation of tumors. The polysaccharides present in the aloe consist of effective macrophages that release large amounts of nitric oxide, which has anticancer properties. Aloe gel also helps soothe burns and sores caused by radiation treatments.


As the age progresses, the skin loses its natural elasticity and dries, which increases the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines. Aloe gel helps remove dead skin cells and moisturizes the skin. Some researchers have also stated that aloe gel improves the elasticity of the skin and slows the onset of aging.
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Hair loss:

The pH of the scalp is acidic, 5.5. Commercial shampoos and hair products are alkaline in nature and can change the pH of the scalp. Any change in the pH of the scalp can lead to hair problems such as hair loss, dandruff, oily hair, etc. Aloe vera removes dead skin cells from the scalp, maintains scalp pH, reduces infections and soothes the scalp.